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Ki-Aikido Haarlem regularly offers clinics, highlighting an important topic or aspect of Ki Aikido. These lessons, that are listed in the agenda of Bewust Haarlem and on this website, are also meant as an opportunity to experience whether Ki Aikido might be something for you. You are welcome for these lessons and for a free first lesson at any time. However, sometimes we concentrate lessons on specific advanced techniques so that not all lessons are suitable as a first introduction. Please contact us first by filling out the form.
Class times: Thursday evening 19:30 – 21:00
Please arrive at 19:15
Location: Gym Building Basisschool de Zonnewijzer
Planetenlaann 168
2024 EX Haarlem
Costs: €80,- per quarter
Mobile: 06-12665121
The instructor of Ki Aikido Haarlem is Jan Baars. He is a professor of philosophy with extensive experience in judo, tai chi, meditation and yoga, followed by 30 years of experience with Ki Aikido (4th dan master degree).
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